Thursday, 8 February 2007

and finally...

Until this trip, I’d had a natural ability to detach myself from difficulty, from my own and others and I know why – it hurts too much. I’ve walked a mile in another man’s shoes and those shoes stink and they’re bloody sore - I’d rather have my comfy slippers on thanks. My pockets are not deep enough and my will not strong enough. Perhaps Mother Theresa wasn’t a great woman but simply a different kind of one? I think the Carolyn A, Miller School will always be in my life, but if I stayed there too long I’d be sucked dry as a chicken bone. I’m not a natural at aid work, my skin is way too thin, but I feel that didn’t stop me from doing a decent job – I’ll allow myself that much. I think I have made a difference, quantifying the measure of that difference I can’t do, but to make a girl laugh, to tell her she is beautiful; to give a young man pride in his personality, to say to him that he has a great future; to instil confidence, to praise, scald, touch and hug is to convince them of their worth and to say that someone cares enough to do so. We all can never have enough love.

1 comment:

EM said...

But you put the shoes on my friend and that is something that most of us would never even think of doing. Your steps have made a difference both there and here. Your posts have made us all think and feel and want to act.