Saturday, 20 January 2007

little things ...

Tuesday, second day of school: New Ikando volunteer, Holly ( a rare thing a liberal, democratic American with a sense of humour), and i walked to The Brotherhood for breaky - a shack with two Seirra Leoneans who'll cook a reliable meal of oats, spagetti in sauce or 'egg in bread. After oats we went our seperate ways, her to the Liberian Womens' Skills Centre. me to school. I've just about got the route now, just about. Halfway there a tiny girl came to my left, "heelllo!", "Hello" i say and shake hands, this can happen often as the kids like to say hi the 'obrani' but she doesn't go away and i feel little fingers slip into my left hand. i look down and see her orange and black uniform - she's one of ours and must have seen me yesterday. We walk together in silence - fingers in hand - all the way. I'm not sure who's taking care of who. I only just manage not to cry at this tiny gesture.


ralph stone said...

That is such a touching image; thank you so much for being there and walking with the children, from all of us.

Deirdre said...

Hi Dystin
My God you're in another world! Fascinated reading your blog and filled with pride.

love love love
Deirdre xxx